Monday, January 1, 2007

I know...everybody is saying it...

January 1st, 2007. A brand new year. New year's resolution time, right? And whats EVRYBODYS resolutions? Lose weight! Of course. And make more money, better job, more time with family,etc...But to get in shape, thats the big one. SO here we go...whos fat out there? Or better yet, who thinks they're fat? No matter what, unless we're a size 2 the media, Hollywood, 16 year old popstars... they all make us feel like pigs!

Example, whatshername that dressed up in a fat suit making her a whole size 12. A 12!! Hello! That is the AVERAGE size of American women today. Not only THAT, but does no one remember that the sexiest woman in history, or so it seems, Marilyn Monroe, was a size 14! Throughtout history, women werent toothpicks. Damn that Twiggy!! And of course, important to remember, that when we are young girls developing, for the most part, we start small and then fully develop into a woman!

Let us not forget, men like to LOOK at the skinny little girls. But when it comes down to it, it is our own self confidence that projects our sexuality to the world. We can be sexy at any size. And Ive yet to meet a man that didnt like a big ass and big boobs. PERIOD! And not fake ones either... When having some wild sex a man throws those tiny little things around, first they have nothing to grab onto and second, they'll break them! LOL...

So we are, the first of a brand new year. So I have decided that this year I will be a brand new shiny Carly. I want to put my personal information on here. I dont think Im quite brave enough though... I will say, a year ago, I was at my lowest weight in years 169. I was in love and the man I thought was my boyfriend was coming home after almost a year. I was working out hard to look good for him. Catch that, 'for him' Not me. Whos more important here? I AM! Thats right. ME!! So one year later, I took all my measurements and weighed myself and....Oh dear Lord, help me. Id kiss the ground to be 169 again. I will put this, so I can see it in writing. 197.5 WHAT!!! THATS ALMOST A 30 POUND GAIN!! :' ( How did I let this happen!?!?

So the first is here, yeah I know, Ive said that! But, tomorrow I go to Rockys to work out. My elliptical is my new best and I have made a Life to do list and working a program to lose this damn weight. SO theres a few of us on here that admit to doing this, but you know, if your reading this, your probably doing it to so PLEASE leave your thoughts and ideas, and anything inspirational that can help us all on this journey.

Good luck and Happy 2007!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is cute. I want an elliptical, dammit.